APTA Academy of Education Leadership


Executive Director: Valerie Smith, CAE 
Association Manager: Sherry Battle CMP
Association Coordinator: Alia Sims 
Association Assistant: Charlie Smith
Director of Professional Development: Steven Lesh PT, PhD 
Director of Communications and Promotion: Holly Clynch PT, DPT, MA 

Academic Faculty SIG

Nominating Committee Chair: Heather Green PT, DPT 
Nominating Committee: Stephanie Eton PT, DPT, GCS 
Member Engagement Coordinator: Kaci Handlery 

Anatomy Educators SIG

Email Chair: Chair-AESIG@aptaeducation.org

Chair: Will Conrad, PT, DPT, EdD, MS
Vice Chair: Alison Lynn McKenzie, PT, DPT, PhD
Membership Secretary: Eryn Milian, PhD, DPT
Recording Secretary/Website: Jay Ciccotelli, PT, DPT, PhD
Nominating Committee Chair: June Hanks, PT, DPT, PhD
Nominating Committee: Melissa Cencetti, PT, DPT, EdD
Affiliate Coordinator: Alison Lynn McKenzie, PT, DPT, PhD
Program Committee Chair: Marsha Rutland , PT, ScD, OCS

Clinical Education SIG

Email Chair: Chair-CESIG@aptaeducation.org
Clinical Co-Chair:
Angela N. Henning, PT, Cert MDT, CCS

Academic Co-Chair: Elsa Drevyn , PT, DPT
Membership Secretary: Julie Gruden, PT
Recording Secretary: KeithAnn Halle, PT, DPT
Nominating Committee: Julie Lombardi, PT, DPT, CBIS, NCS
Nominating Committee Chair: Jessica Rodriguez-Torres, PT, DPT, MPH

Interprofessional Education and Practice SIG

Chair:  Kimberly Beran-Shepler
Vice Chair: Myles Quiben
Secretary: Laura Gras
Professional Development Committee Chair: Sally McCormack Tutt
Scholarly Endeavors Committee Chair: Shelene Thomas
Communications Committee Chair: Cheryl Babin

PTA Educators SIG

Email Chair: Chair-PTAESIG@aptaeducation.org
Chair: Jordan Tucker, PT, DPT, EdD
Vice Chair: Lisa Stejskal, PTA
Recording Secretary: Beverly Labosky, PTA
Membership Secretary: Amanda Heilman, PTA, MHS
Nominating Committee Chair: Tiffany Kiphart , PTA, ATC, Med
Nominating Committee: Carolyn Shishler , PT, MEd
Webinar Chair: Michele Valencia, PT, DPT

Residency/Fellowship Education SIG

Treasurer/Secretary: Kristel Maes PT, DPT 
Membership Secretary: Martha Bloyer PT, DPT 
Nominating Committee Chair: Casey Unverzagt PT, DPT, DSc 
Nominating Committee:  Kristina Stein PT, MPT 
Communications Committee Chair: Kris Neelon 

Scholarship of Education SIG

Chair: Sarah Gilliland, PT, DPT, PhD
Chair Elect/Vice Chair: Teressa Brown, DPT
Secretary: Cara Felter, PT, DPT, MPH
Nominating Committee Chair:  Kelly Pogemiller, PT, DPT
Nominating Committee: Kelly B Reynolds, PT, DPT, NCS, PhD(c)

Awards Committee

Board Liaison: Lori Bordenave PT, DPT, PhD 
Bradley Tragord
 DPT, Dsc 
Kayleigh Plumeau PT, DPT
Tiffany Kiphart PTA, ATC, MEd

CSM Program Committee

Email CSM Chair:  csmchair@aptaeducation.org
Co-Chair: Rebecca Leugers PT 
Co-Chair: Scott Euype PT 
Co-Chair: Fran Kistner
AFSIG: Derek Liuzzo
AESIG: Marsha Rutland
CESIG: Julie Lombardi
PTAE SIG: Pamela Pologruto 
RFESIG: Christina Bentrewicz PT, DPT
SoESIG: Kelly Reynolds
IPEPSIG: Sally McCormack Tutt
Board Liaison: Steven Lesh PT, PhD 

Communications Committee

Chair: Holly Clynch PT, DPT, MA 
Volunteers Coordinator: Kristina Latva PT 
Web Site Editor: Deanna Dye PT, PhD 
JoPTE Social Media Coordinator (ex officio): Marisa Birkmeier PT, DPT 
Social Media Coordinator: Michael Brown PT, DPT, PhD 

ELC Program Committee

Co-Chair: Danille Parker PT, MPT, DPT, GCS, CEEAA 
Co-Chair: Jennifer Howanitz 
Co-Chair: Ralph Utzman PT. MPH, PhD
Incoming Co-Chair: Mary Beth Holmes PT, DPT 
Board Liaison: Steven Lesh PT, PhD 
RFESIG: Laura Zajac Cox
AESIG: Marsha Rutland PT, ScD, OCS 
AESIG: Beth Moody Jones PT, DPT, MS, OCS 
AFSIG: Derek Liuzzo
PTAESIG: Pamela Pologruto 
CESIG: Julie Lombardi PT, DPT
SoESIG: Kelly Reynolds
IPEPSIG: Sally McCormack Tutt 

Finance Committee

Chair: Amy Amabile PT, MPT, PhD 
Brendon Larsen PTA, BS 
Erin Faraclas PT, DPT, PHD 
Shaun Varrecchia PT, DPT 

Nominating Committee

Chair Vicki LaFay PT, DPT, PhD 
Nicole Windsor PT, DPT, PhD 

Professional Development Committee

Email Director: director-profdev@aptaeducation.org
Chair: Steven Lesh PT, PhD 
Cindy Elliott PTA 
Venita Lovelace-Chandler PT, MA, PhD 
Tricia Catalino PT, DSc 
Christina M. Wisdom PT, DPT, EdD 

Research Committee

Chair Michael Buck 
Board Liaison: Christine McCallum PT, PhD 
Sean Gallivan 
Diana Veneri 
Jamie Greco PT, DPT, EdD 
Neeti Pathare PT,MS PT, PhD 

Website Editor

Email: Web-Editor@aptaeducation.org
Website Editor: Deanna Dye PT, PhD 

Email JoPTE Editor: JoPTEEditor@aptaeducation.org

Editor-in-Chief: Keshrie Naidoo 
Editorial Board
Melanie K. Farlie Bphysio, PhD 
Heather Gray BSc, MSc, ProfD 
Marisa Birkmeier PT, DPT, EdD 
Diane Jette PT.DSc,FAPTA 
Lisa Black PT, DPT 
Alice Salzman PT, EdD 
Diane Veneri PT,EdD, NCS 
Patrick Pabian PT, DPT 
Karen Huhn PT, PhD 
Thomas Mohr PT, PhD 
Aaron Rindflesch PT, PhD 
Hilary Greenberger PT, PhD 
Allen Lee PT, DPT, PhD 
Denise Bender PT, JD, MEd 
Murray Maitland 
Lisa Dutton 
Kenneth Miller PT, DPT, MA, GCS, CEEAA 
Mary Jane Rapport PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA 
Deborah Ingram 
Nicole Christensen PT, PhD 
Patricia Quinn McGinnis PT, PhD 
Pamela K. Levangie PT, DPT, DSc, FAPTA 

APTA'S Education Leadership Institute (ELI) Fellowship Work Group

APTA PTA Council Representative

Academy of Education Liaison to LDW Lecture Steering Committee

Academy of Education Second Delegate to APTA House of Delegates

Federal Affairs Liaison

DEI Liaison

Academy Webinar Committee

Email: webinars@aptaeducation.org
Chair: Michele Valencia PT, DPT
Gina Tarud PT, DPT 
Chris Nichols, PTA
Dana Dichiara, PT
Julie Pfeiffer PT, DPT, MS
Cindy Lavine, PTA, MPT
Organizational Chart by Position