Awards and Scholarships

APTA Academy of Education awards are presented each year during the annual meeting of the Academy at CSM in February. 

Grant Applications and Award Nominations are now open!

Awards & Grants Portal    Previous Award Recipients

Information about each award is available in the awards portal or by selecting the award name below.

Please contact us with any questions.


The APTA Academy of Education Adopt-A-Doc program seeks to increase the number of doctorally prepared PTs and PTAs by providing financial support to Academy members who are in the dissertation phase of their post-professional doctoral programs.

Up to three (3) awards are to be given annually. The award will include a $3,000 scholarship to offset tuition or doctoral research costs and reimbursement of Academy annual dues for that year. Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) is preferred though other doctoral study topics are welcomed. SoTL topics include but are not limited to the education of patients, clients, families, students (pre-professional and professional), post-professional (e.g., residents, fellows), or colleagues. One Adopt-A-Doc award is sponsored by Cardon Rehabilitation; research in the area of clinical reasoning is preferred, though not required, for this award. The award presentation will be made at the annual CSM.

Eligibility and Criteria

  1. Member of the APTA Academy of Education.
  2. Post-professional doctoral candidate with an approved dissertation proposal.

Individuals who are current members of the APTA Academy of Education Awards Committee, the APTA Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for this award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

  1. Name, mailing address, telephone, e-mail address
  2. APTA membership number
  3. Dates of APTA Academy of Education membership
  4. Name of institution in which enrolled
  5. Description of doctoral program
  6. Anticipated date of completion of doctoral education
  7. Description of teaching experience (didactic, clinical, continuing education)
  8. Career goals related to education
  9. One-page itemized budget request. Allowable award expenditures include tuition, equipment, supplies, printing, fees, software, statistical consultation, subject honoraria, travel related to research. Note the amount and sources of other funding received during the course of doctoral study. Personal expenses and APTA association dues are not eligible for funding.
  10. Current Curriculum Vitae
  11. Verification of doctoral candidacy status
  12. Abstract of approved doctoral dissertation proposal (additional documentation of approval is needed if the committee signature is not included on the abstract).
  13. Two letters of recommendation: 1) from dissertation advisor and 2) from an individual who can attest to your characteristics, attributes, skills, and experiences that speak to your role as an educator (e.g., PT or PTA program director at a program with which you are associated as a faculty member, employer, mentor).


The Award for Leadership in Education is a high honor given by the APTA Academy of Education that recognizes a nationally prominent educator who has exhibited outstanding leadership and contributions to physical therapy education.

Eligibility / Criteria

  1. The recipient will be a Academy member who has exhibited outstanding leadership throughout his or her career as shown by contributions to physical therapy education in at least 3 of the 4 following areas: scholarship, teaching, administration, or service.
  2. The activities of the recipient will have reflected substantial credit on physical therapy or physical therapy education.
  3. The actions of the recipient will have reflected substantial credit on physical therapy, physical therapy education, and the APTA.
  4. The recipient will be a nationally prominent educator who will be widely recognized as a leader in physical therapy education.

Individuals who are current members of the APTA Academy of Education Awards Committee, the APTA Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for this award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

  1. Written nomination letter addressing the nominee's contributions as a leader in physical therapy education. The letter should carefully document the ways in which the nominee fulfills the criteria noted above.
  2. Formal resume or curriculum vitae which includes biographical information pertaining to major professional activities and accomplishments of the nominee.
  3. Three (3) support letters from Association members, at least two of which are from APTA Academy of Education members. These letters should support the nomination letter by providing a personal account of the nominee's work in at least one of the areas (teaching, scholarship, administration, or service) specified in the criteria listed above. The authors of the support letters must document proof of APTA Membership.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may resubmit the same nomination one time only in the following calendar year with the option of updating supporting documents.

Any additional materials that accompany the nomination will not be forwarded to the Awards Committee.

* Please note that this award does not have to be given annually. Nominees not selected for the award will not automatically be considered in successive years.

Pauline "Polly" Cerasoli, PT, EdD

Pauline Cerasoli
Pauline Cerasoli

Polly was a graduate of Spaulding High School, class of 1957. Polly dedicated her life to caring and mentoring in the medical profession - a tribute to her parents who were a doctor and nurse respectively. Her career started with receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Connecticut in 1961. She then moved on to receive her Master's in Education from Boston University. Her teaching career started at Northeastern University, where she spent several years rising through the ranks to become the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education/Acting Chairperson of the Physical Therapy Department.

During her career at Northeastern she successfully achieved her Doctorate of Education degree in Rehabilitation Administration in 1987, at Northeastern. Her career then moved her to become the Director of Rehabilitation at Mass General Hospital where she also taught at the MGH Institute. From there, Polly assumed the Directorship of Physical Therapy, Assistant Dean of Allied Health at the University of Colorado from 1988 through 1996 then her career ended due to a tragic accident.

Among her interests were skiing, biking, golf, being a Red Sox fan and worldwide travel. Pauline passed away at 71 years of age on September 11, 2010 at Rose Meadow Farm in New Boston, N.H. Her memberships in her profession were numerous and she was a highly respected member of the American Physical Therapy Association.


The Polly Cerasoli Lectureship Award acknowledges an individual who has distinguished himself/herself as an educator, administrator, practitioner and/or mentor as exemplified in the professional career of Pauline "Polly" Cerasoli, PT, EdD.

Polly Cerasoli was the chair of the physical therapy program at the University of Colorado when she was attacked and critically injured by a still-unknown assailant while attending CSM in Atlanta in 1996. The idea for the lectureship was generated by a group of Cerasoli's friends and colleagues to recognize her commitment and contributions to the profession. Recipients of the lectureship have distinguished themselves, as Cerasoli did, as esteemed educators, administrators, practitioners, and mentors. Cerasoli's family directed that proceeds from the Pauline Cerasoli Fund, originally created to support the family, be used instead to fund the annual lecture.

Eligibility / Criteria

Nominees for the award must:

  1. Be physical therapists who are active members of the APTA and the APTA Academy of Education.
  2. Have made distinguished contributions to the profession of physical therapy in the area of education.

The distinction of a nominee's contributions to the profession of physical therapy will be judged on the basis of:

  1. Leadership role in the academy of higher education;
  2. Service to the profession in various capacities;
  3. Vision and insight regarding the profession of physical therapy and the implications for the future of physical therapy education;
  4. High regard from peers;
  5. Ability to present a compelling lecture at acceptance of award

Application Requirements

  1. A Letter of nomination from an APTA member that addresses the award criteria and criteria for selection.
  2. A formal resume or curriculum vitae of the nominee which includes biographical information pertaining to major professional activities and accomplishments of the nominee.
  3. Three (3) additional letters of support, from APTA members, that specifically focus on the strengths of the nominee in relation to the award criteria must be submitted with the nomination packet.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may resubmit the same nomination packet one time only in the following calendar year with the option of updating supporting documents.

Individuals who are current members of the APTA Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for the award and may not participate in the nomination process.

History of the Award

In 1996, during the CSM in Atlanta, Georgia, Pauline Cerasoli was attacked and permanently injured by an unknown assailant. Since then, only time has been able to soften the edge of our shock and heighten our awareness that such an event could happen to someone among us... to a close friend of many...and to a colleague of all of us.

At the time of her injury, Pauline was serving as Director of Physical Therapist Education and Assistant Dean of Allied Health at the University of Colorado. She had been an active member of the APTA for more than 40 years, and throughout that time was very active in the APTA Academy of Education. She was considered a widely respected mentor and leader, and her prodding encouragement pushed all those around her to new heights.

The APTA Academy of Education, APTA sponsors the Pauline Cerasoli Lectureship at CSM each year. This lecture recognizes selected leaders, educators, and practitioners in the field of physical therapy. During the first Pauline Cerasoli Lectureship in 1998, her nephew read excerpts from letters her family received from Pauline's friends, colleagues, and students. The outpouring of love and respect for her contributions and her impact on the lives of so many was overwhelming.

It was determined that recipients of the Lectureship would be those who have distinguished themselves, as Pauline did, as esteemed educators, administrators, practitioners, and mentors, and likewise as articulate, sensitive, and caring individuals. The Cerasoli Fund was originally established to assist Pauline's family in providing for her care however, Pauline's family dedicated the fund money to initiate an on-going lectureship in Pauline's name. Thanks to this very kind and generous act and the continued support by the APTA Academy of Education, each of us may continue to enjoy the annual lecture that has been created to honor the commitment and dedication of Pauline Cerasoli.

The Distinguished Educator in Physical Therapist Education Award is to be given to recognize excellence in academic or clinical teaching in a physical therapy education program.
  1. Each recipient will be an Academy member (PT or PTA credential holder) who is currently engaged in physical therapist education.
  2. If one or more individuals have been involved in a cooperative activity or project that demonstrates excellence in teaching, a joint nomination of all individuals who meet the criteria may be made.
  3. Individuals who are current members of the APTA Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for the award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

  1. Written nomination letter addressing the characteristics that distinguish the nominee or nominees. The letter should carefully document the ways in which the nominee(s) fulfill(s) the criteria noted below.
  2. A formal resume or curriculum vitae of the nominee which includes biographical information pertaining to major professional activities and accomplishments of the nominee.
  3. Three support letters from Association members, at least two of which are from APTA Academy of Education members. These letters should support the nomination letter by providing a personal account of the teaching activities that distinguish the nominee(s). The authors of the support letters must document proof of APTA Membership.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may be resubmit the same nomination packet one time only in the next calendar year with the option of updating supporting documents. Nominees will not be automatically reconsidered in successive years.

Criteria for Selection

  1. Each recipient will have distinguished themselves through excellence in physical therapy education (academic or clinical) at the national, regional, or local level.
  2. Each recipient will have distinguished themselves in a subject matter area as evidenced by publications or other appropriate demonstrations.
  3. Each recipient will have extended education by developing innovative teaching methodologies or materials.


To recognize excellence in academic or clinical teaching in a physical therapist assistant program.


  1. Each recipient will be an Academy member (PT or PTA credential holder) who is currently engaged in physical therapist assistant education.
  2. If one or more individuals have been involved in a cooperative activity or project that demonstrates excellence in teaching, a joint nomination of all individuals who meet the criteria may be made.
  3. Individuals who are current members of the APTA Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for the award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

  1. Written nomination letter addressing the characteristics that distinguish the nominee or nominees. The letter should carefully document the ways in which the nominee(s) fulfill(s) the criteria noted below.
  2. A formal resume or curriculum vitae of the nominee which includes biographical information pertaining to major professional activities and accomplishments of the nominee.
  3. Three support letters from Association members, at least two of which are from APTA Academy of Education members. These letters should support the nomination letter by providing a personal account of the teaching activities that distinguish the nominee(s). The authors of the support letters must document proof of APTA Membership.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may be resubmit the same nomination packet one time only in the next calendar year with the option of updating supporting documents. Nominees will not be automatically reconsidered in successive years.

Criteria for Selection

  1. Each recipient will have distinguished themselves through excellence in physical therapist assistant education (academic or clinical) at the national, regional, or local level.
  2. Each recipient will have distinguished themselves in a subject matter area as evidenced by publications or other appropriate demonstrations.
  3. Each recipient will have extended education by developing innovative teaching methodologies or materials.


To recognize excellence in Residency/Fellowship mentoring


  1. Each recipient will be a Academy of PT Education member who is currently engaged or has demonstrated life-long engagement in residency/fellowship education.
  2. Each recipient will have distinguished himself or herself through excellence in mentoring residents/fellows in an ABPTRFE accredited program.
  3. Each recipient will have distinguished himself or herself in a clinical specialty area as evidenced by mentoring experience, continued education, practice, patient outcomes and/or residency/fellowship outcomes.
  4. Each recipient will have been engaged in Residency/Fellowship mentoring for at least 3 years

Individuals who are current members of the Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for the award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

  1. Written nomination letter addressing the characteristics that distinguish the nominee or nominees. The letter should carefully document the ways in which the nominee(s) fulfill(s) the criteria noted above.
  2. A formal resume or curriculum vitae of the nominee which includes biographical information pertaining to major professional activities and accomplishments of the nominee.
  3. Three support letters from Association members, at least two of which are from Academy of PT Education members. These letters should support the nomination letter by providing a personal account of the teaching activities that distinguish the nominee(s). The authors of the support letters must document proof of APTA Membership.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may re-submit the same nomination one time only in the next year with the option of updating supporting documents. If the nomination is submitted in subsequent years, the packet must be completely updated.

Any additional materials that accompany the nomination will not be considered by the selection committee.


The purpose of the APTA Emerging Leader Award is to identify and honor one physical therapist or physical therapist assistant "emerging leader" from each APTA component, a person who has demonstrated extraordinary service early in his or her physical therapy career. The individual should have made exceptional overall accomplishments and contributions to APTA, the component, and the physical therapy profession to advance APTA's vision.


  1. Current member of APTA for at least 5 years.
  2. From formal graduation to no more than 10 years as a licensed PT or PTA.
  3. Current or prior service on 1 or more appointed or elected groups at the component or national level.
  4. Current or prior service in 1 or more appointed or elected positions at the component or national level.


Each year, one "emerging leader" will be recognized from each component, provided the component has submitted a nomination using the procedures outlined below. The following information must be provided in the submission letter:

  1. An outline of the individual member's contributions.
  2. Examples of demonstrated service to the Association, component, and/or profession.
  3. Explanation of potential for future contributions to physical therapy.
  4. Examples of ways the person advanced activities at the component level.

The nomination should include a description of the outcome of the contributions and how it aligns with the component or APTA goals, mission, and vision.

 Procedure for Nomination

  1. The component president or component awards committee chair is responsible for submitting the name and supporting information to: APTA.
  2. The materials submitted for the nomination shall include the following:
    • A detailed nomination letter outlining specified areas.
    • A copy of the nominee's Curriculum Vitae or resume.
    • A photo of the nominee (ideally jpeg format, but other formats will be considered).

Notification of Award

  1. The Component Services Department will notify emerging leaders of the recognition in July of each year. Recognized individuals will receive a congratulatory letter and certificate.
  2. Emerging leaders are typically recognized in an upcoming issue of PT in Motion Magazine as part of a short overall descriptive article that will include a listing (name, affiliation, city, state and nominating component) and may include photos.


The Feitelberg Journal Founder's Award was created by Samuel B.Feitelberg, PT, MA, FAPTA in honor of the efforts of the over 100 colleagues whose contributions of time and money created the Journal of Physical Therapy Education, to acknowledge excellence in publication by a first-time author in the Journal of PT Education for the calendar year. The purpose is to acknowledge excellence in publication in the Journal by a first-time author.


The publication nominated must be by a first-time author. A first time author is defined as a sole author or the first author of a multi-authored manuscript who as 3 or less peer reviewed publications.

 Nomination Procedure

  1. In November of each calendar year, an Editorial Board Member is appointed by the (Co-)editor-in-chief as that calendar year's awards committee chair.
  2. The awards committee chair will determine what papers published during the present calendar year and those that are accepted for publication AND planned to print in the December issue are eligible for consideration.
  3. The eligible papers list is shared by email with all Editorial Board Members.
  4. All Editorial Board Members are eligible to nominate any additional papers that they believe meet the consideration criteria.
  5. Editorial Board Members then rank order the papers available for consideration, ranking their top, 2nd and 3rd choices by electronic voting, arranged by the awards committee chair.
  6. The awards committee chair tallies the electronic voting and notifies the (Co-)editor-in-chief of results, copying all received votes.
  7. Voting results are maintained by the (Co-)editor-in-chief for a period of 12 months following the award presentation.

Notification of Award

  1. Award winner notified by the Academy of Education of winning by early December, inquiring that winner is planning to attend CSM.
  2. Presentation of award made by (Co-)editor-in-chief at CSM at Academy of Education Business Meeting.
  3. Award includes a $300.00 monetary stipend.


Purpose: to honor an individual who has provided exemplary service or noteworthy contributions in advancing the vision, mission or goals of the APTA Academy of Education. All Academy members are eligible as are non-Academy members whose contributions warrant the honor.

Selection Process

  • Any Academy member may nominate an individual for the President's Award. Persons making a nomination should submit an application discussing why the individual should be considered for the President's Award.
  • Final decision(s) will be made by the President with the support of the Board.
  • During any year, up to two individuals may receive this award.
  • There may be years when this award is not given.

Individuals who are current members of the APTA Academy of Education Awards Committee or the APTA Academy of Education Board of Directors are not eligible for this award.


The Stanford Award was created by Katherine Shepard, PT, PhD, FAPTA in honor of her former faculty colleagues at Stanford University, to recognize the author(s) of a manuscript containing the most influential educational ideas published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Education for the calendar year.  The purpose is to recognize the author or authors of an article published in the Journal that is considered as presenting the most influential ideas for Physical Therapy Education.

Nomination Procedure and Author Selection

  1. In November of each calendar year, an Editorial Board Member is appointed by the (Co-)editor-in-chief as that calendar year's awards committee chair.
  2. The awards committee chair will determine what papers published during the present calendar year and those that are accepted for publication AND planned to print in the December issue are eligible for consideration.
  3. The eligible papers list is shared by email with all Editorial Board Members.
  4. All Editorial Board Members are eligible to nominate any additional papers that they believe meet the consideration criteria.
  5. Editorial Board Members then rank order the papers available for consideration, ranking their top, 2nd and 3rd choices by electronic voting, arranged by the awards committee chair.
  6. The awards committee chair tallies the electronic voting and notifies the (Co-)editor-in-chief of results, copying all received votes.
  7. Voting results are maintained by the (Co-)editor-in-chief for a period of 12 months following the award presentation.

Notification of Award

  1. Award winner notified by the Academy Education of winning by December 8, inquiring that winner is planning to attend CSM.
  2. Presentation of award made by (Co-)editor-in-chief at CSM at AoE Business Meeting. Award includes a $300.00 monetary stipend.


A high honor used to recognize significant service to the APTA Academy of Education.

Eligibility and Criteria

  1. The recipient will be an Academy member who has done significant work contributing to the academy over the course of their career.
  2. The recipient will have served the academy for at least 10 (cumulative) years in a committees or task forces
  3. The recipient will have served in at least 5 different committees or task forces of the academy
  4. Multiple individuals are eligible to be recognized for the award in a single year
  5. Individuals who are current members of the APTA Academy of Education Awards Committee, the APTA Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for this award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

  1. Written nomination summary addressing the nominee's contributions in service of the Academy of Education. The letter should carefully document the ways in which the nominee fulfills the criteria noted above.
  2. Formal resume or curriculum vitae which includes biographical information pertaining to major professional activities and accomplishments of the nominee.
  3. Three support letters from Association members, at least three of which are from APTA Academy of Education members. These letters should support the nomination letter by providing a personal account of the nominee's work in service to the Academy. The authors of the support letters must document proof of APTA Membership.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may resubmit the same nomination packet one time only in the following calendar year with the option of updating supporting documents.

* Please note that this award does not have to be given annually. Nominees not selected for the award will not automatically be considered in successive years.


The purpose for this award is to recognize an outstanding clinical instructor who demonstrates exceptional skills in teaching, communication, interpersonal relationships, professional competence, mentoring, modeling, and professionalism. 


Recipient is a licensed physical therapist (PT) or physical therapist assistant (PTA) currently practicing in the US and its territories with at least one-year of experience as a clinical educator / instructor for PT or PTA students.  The PT or PTA must also meet the following criteria:

  1. Member of the APTA
  2. Supervised a minimum of 3 full-time PT/PTA students
  3. Level 1 Credentialed Clinical Instructor 


  1. Recipient distinguishes themselves as an outstanding clinical educator through the demonstration of qualities as a clinical educator/instructor, based on established APTA criteria including mentoring, modeling, clinical competence, communication/interpersonal skills, teaching/instructional skills, supervisory and evaluation skills, and professionalism.
  2. The outstanding qualities will be documented through information obtained from student or colleague recommendation forms.
  3. Evidence of life-long learning and commitment to advancing the profession.
  4. Documentation will distinguish and support the “outstanding” qualities of the nominee as compared to that of other clinical educators/instructors. 

Individuals who are current members of the Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for the award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

  1. Nominations may be initiated by a student in the final year of a PT or PTA program or an SCCE.
  2. The Outstanding Clinical Instructor Award Nomination Online Form requires the following:
    • Why are you recommending this Clinical Instructor for this award? Be specific, citing examples to differentiate this outstanding CI from others.
    • Creative or innovative techniques used by this CI to promote student growth and professional independence.
    • Other characteristics this CI possesses that might be helpful in the selection process.
  3. Two letters of support from Association members. These individuals can be a colleague, a supervisor, a faculty member, etc. The letter should carefully document the ways in which the nominee fulfills the criteria noted above and provide a personal account of the teaching activities that distinguish the nominee. The authors of the support letters must include their APTA membership number.
  4. Following submission of the online nomination, the Clinical Instructor Information Form will be emailed to the nominee and nominator.  The nominee must submit this Clinical Instructor Information Form and submit as a pdf document to with “Outstanding Clinical Instructor" in the Subject heading of the email by Wednesday, November 8.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may re-submit the same nomination one time only in the next year with the option of updating supporting documents. If the nomination is submitted in subsequent years, the packet must be completely updated.

Any additional materials that accompany the nomination will not be considered by the selection committee.


The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding Site Coordinator for Clinical Education (SCCE) who consistently demonstrate exceptional skills in the supervision and education of Clinical Instructors through mentoring as well as serving as a role model for Clinical Education.  Emphasis is placed on quality of teaching, communication, interpersonal relationships, professional competence, mentoring, modeling, and professionalism.


Nominee’s must be a licensed PT or PTA with at least three years’ experience as a SCCE supervising multiple Clinical Instructors and coordinating PT/PTA clinical experiences at one or more clinical sites.

The nominee must also meet the following criteria:

  1. Member of the APTA
  2. Level 1 Credentialed Clinical Instructor


  1. Nominee distinguishes themselves as an outstanding SCCE through the demonstration of qualities as a SCCE based on established APTA criteria including mentoring, modeling, clinical competence, communication/interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, program planning, teaching/instructional skills, supervisory and evaluation skills, and professionalism
  2. Nominee demonstrates outstanding qualities as a SCCE based on established criteria.
  3. The outstanding qualities will be documented through information obtained from Academic Program and Clinical recommendation forms and recommendation letters.
  4. Documentation will distinguish and support the “outstanding” qualities of the nominee as compared to that of other SCCE’s.

Individuals who are current members of the Academy of Education Board of Directors, the APTA Board of Directors, or APTA Staff are not eligible for the award and may not participate in the nomination process.

Application Requirements

Nominations must be initiated by a DCE/ACCE or a CI using the online nomination form. 

  1. Nomination must include:
    • The Outstanding SCCE Nomination Information.
    • A written nomination summary addressing the characteristics that distinguish the nominee or nominees. The summary should carefully document the ways in which the nominee(s) fulfill(s) the criteria noted above.
    • Two support letters from Association members. These letters should support the nomination letter by providing a personal account of the teaching activities that distinguish the nominee(s). The authors of the support letters must include their APTA Membership ID number.
    • The nomination summary and letters of support should include individuals from both the academic program and clinical site.
  2. A formal resume or curriculum vitae. This should establish that the nominee meets the award criteria (APTA membership and Level 1 Credentialed Clinical Instructor) and include biographical information pertaining to major professional activities and accomplishments of the nominee.

If a nominee was not selected for the award, the nominator may re-submit the same nomination one time only in the next year with the option of updating supporting documents. If the nomination is submitted in subsequent years, the packet must be completely updated.

Any additional materials that accompany the nomination will not be considered by the selection committee.



One-year research grants are available to assist APTA Academy of Education (Academy) members in conducting research that investigates a question of importance to the advancement of education in physical therapy. In addition to research related to physical therapy education (DPT, PTA), questions related to the education of patients/clients, licensed PTs/PTAs or PT/PTA students will also be considered.

Education research is the scientific field of study that examines education and learning processes and the human attributes, interactions, organizations, and institutions that shape educational outcomes. Scholarship in the field seeks to describe, understand, and explain how learning takes place throughout a person’s life and how formal and informal contexts of education affect all forms of learning. Education research embraces the full spectrum of rigorous methods appropriate to the questions being asked and also drives the development of new tools and methods.

Applications are received and reviewed once yearly for a maximum budget of $25,000.  Proposals with budgets less than the maximum $25,000 are welcomed. All budgets are rigorously reviewed and require justification for expenses. Grant recipients must account for all expenditures in the final report and return unused funds to the Academy. Funds cannot be used to attend conferences to disseminate results or for indirect costs or overhead. 

Application Process
Submission Deadline: October 21, 2024


Please review all posted grant information prior to beginning the application process.

When writing a grant proposal, include sufficient but concise information that will allow the reviewers to evaluate the proposal. The reviewers might consider your ability to present your proposal clearly and briefly to be an indication of your ability to have a focused approach to your research objective and to complete the project. Use the American Medical Association’s writing and referencing guidelines (see Physical Therapy for examples).

All budgets will be rigorously reviewed and require strong justification for proposed expenditures. Investigators are highly encouraged to budget only essential amounts and not the maximum amount available. Include the costs related to the research grant that will be provided by “in kind” contributions or other sources of funding in the budget. Providing letters of support for “in kind” contributions and resources is highly encouraged. An otherwise good proposal with an inadequate budget justification will not be funded. Grant recipients must submit a full accounting of expenditures with the final report.



The proposal should include all required pages in a single PDF file. Leave a minimum of 1” margins and utilize an 11pt. font. Single spaced is acceptable. The applicant’s last name and the page number should appear in the right-hand margin of the header on each page of the Application (excluding cover sheet) and on any attachments/appendices.



Proposals must be submitted by the deadline to be eligible for review.  Please name the PDF file using the following format:

PI's last name_Six word abbreviated title_year of submission.

Ex: Hamilton_Use of Video vs. Written HEP_2014.


Review Procedure

The Academy’s Research Committee reviews and ranks grant applications. Grants are awarded based on merit and scientific contributions to the field of education in physical therapy. See Grant Review Instructions.


Reporting Requirements

Please see Terms and Conditions of Research Grants.

The PI of an awarded grant will send a final report to (Subject Line: Grant Final Report) no later than 60 days following the end of the grant period. Reprints of manuscripts published from the project should be sent to Investigators should acknowledge support from the APTA Academy of Education in any presentations or manuscripts.


 One-year small research seed grants are available to assist APTA Academy of Education (Academy) members in conducting research that investigates a question of importance to the advancement of education in physical therapy. Questions related to the education of patients/clients, licensed PTs/PTAs or PT/PTA students will be considered.

Education research is the scientific field of study that examines education and learning processes and the human attributes, interactions, organizations, and institutions that shape educational outcomes. Scholarship in the field seeks to describe, understand, and explain how learning takes place throughout a person’s life and how formal and informal contexts of education affect all forms of learning. Education research embraces the full spectrum of rigorous methods appropriate to the questions being asked and also drives the development of new tools and methods.

The Academy recognizes that there is a developmental process that occurs in: 1) the researcher or research teams; or 2) the research topic, line or focus in order to meet minimum expectations for larger external grant funding (e.g. validation, reliability and pilot data).   Primary investigators and their teams often seek small seed grants that enable these growth processes to occur.  These small seed grants often offset costs related to small scale equipment purchases, software purchases, subject enticements or similar critical expenditures that are essential to the research process.  The purpose of this small seed grant is to support and cultivate new researchers or lines of investigation by offsetting costs that preclude this process.  Therefore, applications should clearly situate the work within the greater context of the planned larger investigation.  Grant applicants are prohibited from submitting proposals for both the Small Seed Grants and the larger Research Grants in the same calendar year.

Applications are reviewed once yearly. All budgets are rigorously reviewed and require justification for expenses. Grant recipients must account for all expenditures in the final report and return unused funds to the Academy. Funds cannot be used to attend conferences to disseminate results or for indirect costs or overhead.


Application Process
Submission Deadline: October 21, 2024

Please review all posted grant information prior to beginning the application process.

When writing a grant proposal, include sufficient but concise information that will allow the reviewers to evaluate the proposal. The reviewers might consider your ability to present your proposal clearly and briefly to be an indication of your ability to have a focused approach to your research objective and to complete the project. Use the American Medical Association’s writing and referencing guidelines (see Physical Therapy for examples).

All budgets will be rigorously reviewed and require strong justification for proposed expenditures. Investigators are highly encouraged to budget only essential amounts and not the maximum amount available. Include the costs related to the research grant that will be provided by “in kind” contributions or other sources of funding in the budget. Providing letters of support for “in kind” contributions and resources is highly encouraged. An otherwise good proposal with an inadequate budget justification will not be funded. Grant recipients must submit a full accounting of expenditures with the final report.



The proposal should include all required pages in a single PDF file. Leave a minimum of 1” margins and utilize an 11pt. font. Single spaced is acceptable. The applicant’s last name and the page number should appear in the right-hand margin of the header on each page of the Application (excluding cover sheet) and on any attachments/appendices.



Proposals must be eā€mailed by the October 1st  deadline to be eligible for review. Send one electronic (PDF) copy of the proposal to (subject line: Small Grant Application). Please name the PDF file using the following format: PI's last name_Six word abbreviated title_year of submission. Ex: Hamilton_Use of Video vs. Written HEP_2014.


Review Procedure

The Academy’s Research Committee reviews and ranks grant applications. Grants are awarded based on merit and the potential scientific contributions to the field of education in physical therapy. In addition, the likelihood of the outcome of the research funded by the seed grant to lead to the greater context of the planned larger investigation is considered.  Decisions will be announced in mid-December annually.  See Grant Review Instructions.


 Reporting Requirements


Please see Terms and Conditions of Research Grants.

The PI of an awarded grant will send a final report to (Subject Line: Grant Final Report) no later than 60 days following the end of the grant period. Reprints of manuscripts published from the project should be sent to

Investigators should acknowledge support from the APTA Academy of Education in any presentations or manuscripts.