Interprofessional Education and Practice SIG

The Interprofessional Education and Practice Special Interest Group shall serve as a resource and forum for members of the Academy who value and champion interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice (IPCP) in all facets of the physical therapy profession.

  1. Foster networking and collaboration among physical therapists and physical therapist assistants interested in IPE and IPCP
  2. Engage in initiatives that support IPE and IPCP innovation in physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education
  3. Foster a culture of innovation, intellectual engagement, and leadership in the Academy of Education to support IPE and IPCP endeavors
  4. Facilitate excellence in IPE education through collaboration with external IPE organizations
  5. Disseminate information related to interprofessional collaborative practice to the physical therapy community in coordination with the Academy of Education.
To view the SIG Standing Rules, please click here. 
Coming soon!


Chair:  Kimberly Beran-Shepler
Vice Chair: Myles Quiben
Secretary: Laura Gras
Professional Development Committee Chair: Sally McCormack Tutt
Scholarly Endeavors Committee Chair: Shelene Thomas
Communications Committee Chair: Cheryl Babin