Residency/Fellowship Think Tank
A compendium of educational resources for residency fellowship education
The Residency/Fellowship Education Special Interest Group of the APTA Academy of Education, APTA has developed a compendium of educational resources for residency fellowship education. These resources have been shared with us by many residency and fellowship programs across the country and have been vetted by a work group within the SIG. We would like to encourage continued excellence in residency/fellowship education through the sharing of resources.
If you have any questions or if you would like to share curriculum from your program please contact one of the coordinating authors of the compendium.
- Sara Kraft
- Carol Jo Tichenor
- Jason Zafereo
- John Dewitt
Overview of Think Tank Resources
The Residency Fellowship Education SIG(RFESIG) is pleased to launch a compendium of
resources which we hope will enhance programs across all specialty areas. The topic areas in
this compendium (EBP, Ethics, Mentor Training, Leadership, etc) were developed based on a
survey of members who expressed interest in improving or expanding their curricula. Twentyeight programs from eight specialty or sub-specialty areas agreed to share resources. Twentytwo work group members helped to review these materials and interview program directors. We sought to find innovative/exceptional teaching approaches and/or other resources that would enable you to re-evaluate, refresh or expand your program and collaborate with
other programs.. The quality indicators used to review programs and the review team are listed in the presentation, Think Tank Methods. We wish to thank the reviewers and all of the programs who generously provided resources.
Download Presentation: Think Thank Methods
How to Use the Compendium
Under each topic area, the name of the program, contact information and an overview of the
resources are provided followed by the documents that they have shared in that area. If a
program provided information on their mentor training program and additional forms they use,
they will also be listed in those other sections, e.g. mentor performance, clinical reasoning
forms. If you would like to find out more about individual resources, please utilize the contact
information. Programs may, in selected circumstances, provide you the original documents.
Responsibilities to the Programs
If you elect to incorporate any elements from these resources into your program, we ask that
you recognize on your documents the originating program.
How to Contribute a Resource
If you would like to contribute a resource, please write to Provide
us an overview of the resource and how you use it in your program.
We hope that this compendium will stimulate more discussion and sharing across
programs and move us all out of our silos to advance residency and fellowship
education together!
Jason Zafereo, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT, UTSouthwestern Medical Center
Carol Jo Tichenor, MA, PT, FAPTA, Creighton University
Sara Kraft, PT, DPT, NCS, ATP, Medical University of South Carolina
John Dewitt, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center